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sup Counter strike 2.0 also known as Counter Strike: Condition Zero is a continuation of the one of the best arcade games of all times which is the Counter Strike. It was released in 2004 and was modified using the GoldSrc game engine which was basically a Half-Life engine. CS 2.0 engine was so heavily modified and was capable of rendering high quality 3D graphics to enrich the gaming experience. The game started to develop in the early 20’s in different developing houses. counter strike 2.0 was fully created in early 2003 by Ritual Entertainment who entirely recreated it and the game was made into a single death match mode having different missions and different bots. Later the development of the counter strike 2.0 was given over to Turtle Rock studios they made final changes in the games, updated the bots, the missions and the maps and the new mod called the deleted scenes. After the final updates the game was released on March 23, 2004. counter strike 2.0 became so popular among the arcade games fanboys and record number of users purchased the game CZ actually comes up with an online multiplayer mode which actually contains updated maps, textures and updated characters. The multiplayer gaming can also be achieved via LAN play or via online gaming. The game contains enhanced graphics and textures which became the source of its popularity. The gameplay is low ping and it runs smoothly if the PC fulfills the requirements. The offline playing mode was actually made to comfort the players in the ruthless universe of the online gaming. In the offline playing mode there are total eighteen missions. The player has to deal with several hurdles which actually test the user’s patience and the capability of making strategies.The hurdle are actually in the form of sets containing three missions each. One has to complete each set of challenges in order to surpass the game levels. The difficulty level of CS 2.0 goes on increasing and it literally tests the user’s gaming skills on whole new level, even the stager Condition Zero players will be sweating in the end. The game has the same usual killing or saving style. By this one can easily understand that the either the user has to be terrorist or counter-terrorist. If the user is a terrorist then he has to plant the bombs and assassinate the good guys in order to successfully complete the mission and on the other hand if the user is a counter-terrorist then he has to defuse the bombs or rescue the hostages in order to complete the missions. The users get some handsome virtual money on killing the opponents with which the users can buy variety of weapons. There are about 4-5 different classes who have different skills and priorities. Each character comes up with his own preferable weapon in which he specializes his skills. At the start the user has to surpass his opponent by winning more than two matches in order to complete the task. It may sound easy and piece of cake but actually each level has its own challenges that one must fulfill. These challenges change with the increasing difficulty like in some challenges the user has to complete the task within the specific time or the user has to kill specific number of enemies with a special weapon etc. Hence the product has what it takes to be the best arcade games of all times with its exciting fun stuff the Counter strike 2.0 aka Condition Zero is indeed one of the best games. – CS Online

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